Monday, March 14, 2016

a walk in the cornfield

This weekend my nephew Levi had a sleepover at our house.  It was fun getting to see what having two kids would be like!  Granted, they wouldn't both be three at the same time! Saturday was absolutely beautiful, we just had to be outside.  So after the kids took a nap we went out into the cornfield next to our house to "explore."  It was just so nice to be outside.  Playing in the snow can be fun, but I have to say after a long winter I am always happy to see it go away.  There is something so refreshing about the start of spring.  On Sunday it was cloudy and rainy so we opted for the Madison Children's Museum, which was super fun!  I can't wait to go back.  Both kiddos did awesome and played so well together.  We had such a fun weekend!  This week I am headed to Chicago for the NAEA conference.  I'm pretty excited!  This will be my first national conference and I hear they are amazing!  I'm hoping it will give me much needed energy to finish out the school year. It's still a little bit early to start counting down the days until summer!  Well, that's about all for now.  Here are a few more photos from the weekend... 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

stella's 3rd birthday


I've been so terrible with uploading photos from my camera lately!  Tonight I finally uploaded some from Stella's 3rd birthday back in October.   We spent the day at Lewis Farms in Michigan.  In my opinion there is nothing better than fall in Michigan.  I love that Stella's birthday is in October.  It just makes it feel that much more special.  After Lewis Farms we went back to my parent's house for presents and Ryke's cake!

My goal for 2016 is to be better with taking photos and doing something with them.  Whether it's just posting them or getting them printed or making a photo book.  :)

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Friday, February 5, 2016



This photo makes me wish it was summer so badly!  Sometimes in the winter I have to remind myself not to wish time away.  Well, I'm going to try to give this blogging thing another go.  The main reason is I find myself forgetting all the things we do day to day after a while.  When I look back on things they just sort of blend together.  I think this is going to be a good way to look back and just remember life in general.  If nothing else, this blog is for me.  A place where I can post the photos I take and just take a few moments to reflect.  I really do enjoy writing, even if I may not be that great at it.  And maybe I will only update every so often, but that's the season of life I am in right now.  It's busy busy busy, and when I'm not busy I find myself needing that time to recoup with my family before it's go time again.

Life is pretty decent right now.  Ryan and I are both busy with work.  I picked up an extra side gig for Madison College. It's pretty low key right now, I am just teaching a 4-week Mixed Media class on Sundays.  I'm really enjoying it though, it's actually really relaxing and it's been cool getting to meet some new people.  I've always thought about teaching college someday, but for now these continuing education classes are great and not a huge commitment.  We also need to get back to working on our house.  Well, not that it really needs work but it sure needs lots of paint and some curtain removal stat (think tassels).  I'm thinking this spring and summer we'll really get going on it again.  

Stella is doing amazing.  She is such an incredible little person.  Back before I had Stella I sort of worried parenthood would feel like babysitting.  Like, it's really fun but at the end of the night you're ready for the parents to get home so you can get back to doing your own thing.  But it's not like that at all.  I honestly miss her all the time, even when she's just asleep upstairs.  I'm not sure if it's because I'm a working mom, but I honestly love spending every moment I can with Stella.  She is my little best friend.  She's hilarious and has such a goofy personality.  She's passionate but also relaxed.  Stella will run around and play hide and sneak, but then snuggle on the couch and watch an entire movie with you.  She's fearless, she will jump clear off her bed into your arms or the side of the pool.  We are starting her snowboarding, on her little Riglet board.  We hope next year to take her to a ski resort but for now the slight slope in our front yard works just fine.  

Geesh, I could go on and on about Stella.  But the most exciting thing right now is potty training.  The kid ROCKED it.  We just need to work on the overnight thing and we'll be set. Stella and I even had our first outing to the store today and she did great.  I was nervous because it's a 20 minute drive (we live in a small town surrounded by lots of country) and then we walked around the store.  But she told me when she had to go and then we went to the bathroom.  I'm so so so so proud of her!  Sometimes I think about how easy we have it with Stella and the thought of adding another one into the mix is scary.  But we'll see, it's not something we are ready for right now anyway.  Well I think that's enough rambling for one post... more later!